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here are my answers to the sets of "5 questions" posed to me by fellow bloggers! interview by april 1. what have you done in your life that you are most proud of? performing improv! i would have to say that though the shows themselves might not have been memorable, the fact that i can get up on a stage and sing, dance, act, emote and ham it up on the spot is what i'm most proud of. there's nothing scarier than facing a croud of people and having to entertain them without a script. and i love it. 2. what is your favorite food? my standard answer is coleslaw, actually. (i know, i'm an odd duck like that). but i will admit there's a lot to be said for chocolate, a good cup of coffee, ice cream, and just about anything my nana cooks. 3. who do you look up to the most? without hesitation, katharine hepburn. 4. if you could have sex with any person in the world, who would it be? with a person who truly loves me. 5. if you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? new york city, provided i didn't have to pinch pennies. close second, and most likely to happen, san francisco. interview by texas t-bone 1. You are having a dinner party with your five favorite celebrities. The catch is, you run out of food and have to eat one of the guests without the others catching on. Who do you invite, and which one do you eat? How would you serve the unlucky guest? What excuse would you use for that person's absence? my goodness. this one had me thinking the hardest. i will go ahead and assume that these celebs are living, which makes them easier to eventually eat, i suppose. so, here's the list of invitees: susan sarandon, mary-kate olsen, courtney love, david letterman and richard simmons. i know, you're thinking "richard simmons?" well, i do so love to hate him. and, you've guessed it, he's the one we'd eat. it seems fitting that the fitness guru would be the one we serve up, and i think letterman's ascerbic commentary would be just the icing on the cake. richard, prone to antics of running about, will have his sudden disappearance shrugged off by me as just another one of his odd bursts of activities. "richard's run right out the door!" i'll say, laughing. letterman will make a dry remark. courtney love will give someone the finger. mary-kate will miss ashley, and susan sarandon will begin to think of a politically angled marie-clare article to write on the whole evening. then i will muzzle richard, and roast him luau piggy style in a back yard pit, and proclaim "everybody hula!", upon which, everyone will indeed hula. (this is aided by copious amounts of sugary alcoholic party beverages.) we will all eat of richard simmons, who's been wrapped in banana leaves and cooked to perfection, smack our lips and exclaim "fantastic!" the next day mary-kate olsen will call me to ask just what was in the food i served, because she had the strangest night after she left my party. because, as we all know, that is how my parties end. 2. Does size matter? (Interpret this question any way you like). size matters when i buy shoes and clothes. for the fit, of course. size matters too much to the american male and the world-wide media when determining what makes a woman attractive. there are no size charts for personalities. size in the bedroom can hinder or enhance activity, though i maintain it's how you use it. and i like to use it, so i don't complain. 3. The world ends tomorrow. Armed with this knowledge, name the next five things you would do. now, here i go assuming that the rest of the world knows it too, which means things are going to be pretty hectic. i will not have time to travel, so the first thing would be to call up people and tell them how i really feel (as in, just so you know i love you, i hate you, i have a crush on you, you were the worst junior high school teacher ever, you are an asshole, i miss you, i'm sorry, etc.). then i suppose i'd eat my fill of whatever i fancied. then i'd probably find a fellow or two to have some sloppy sex with, because i'm sure if the world was ending we'd none of us be choosy. then i'd go for a swim. and then, since there'd probably be crowds of people doing group things to calm each other, i'd probably join some big crowd with some friends and leave this earth singing rowdy renditions of popular folk songs. 4. What is the fastest route to sassiness? How can a straight man be sassy? i find i'm sassiest when i'm in cute shoes and a few cocktails under. red hair is a bonus, as well as the art of the witty reply. i would have to say, though i loathe stereotypes, sassiness is reserved for the femmes and the flamers. 5. After your novel is published and made into a blockbuster feature film, what's the first thing you buy after you cash your first big check? well, after paying of my mountains of debt? gosh, i've always wanted a george foreman grill. interview by dahl 1. what do you really want to do when you grow up (reality non-withstanding)? i'd like to be famous. i'd like to be respected for my talents as an actress and writer, not in the j-lo kind of famous, but really legitimately respected. 2. what is your favorite superhero? blossom, of the powerpuff girls. 3. which crowd were you in while in high school? i ran in two crowds, the drama kids and the journalism kids. (the third crowd would be the smart but not genius smart kids, the sort of folk who populated the drama and journalism groups, too). trouble was, when i threw a birthday party one year the drama kids sat in the living room and the journalism kids were in the kitchen, and they sort of unofficially refused to mingle. it's oft-quoted the famous "but christmas is oooooovah!" exclamation one of the drama kids let out with that the journalism kids thought was just too dramatic for their practical ways. ah, well... i had a blast being smart and talented at the same time. still am, i guess. 4. do you believe there are an infinite number of true loves for each person out there? you know, i honestly don't know. everytime i think i've fallen in love it ends, and i realize maybe i haven't. i know we are capable of loving again after loss, but what true love is, i don't know yet. i'd like to. 5. same as april's #5. interview by anne in nyc 1. why do you live where you do right now? how did you choose the city? how did you choose your house/apartment? i live where i live (in north hollywood, california) because i'm too poor to move out, and that's the truth. my friends tease me all the time because years ago i used to make these brazen declarations that "i'd never live in the valley!" and, if you know los angeles, i guess i do live in the valley. i had been living in hollywood, and it was time to move out and move on, and a former friend of mine and i decided to save money, and we moved to the ghetto part of north hollywood for dirt cheap. when we got a third roommate, and it was time to leave the ghetto, the three of us moved to where i am now. those two gals have since left, and now angel bunny, l.q.t. and i share this two-storey, three bedroom, two bath townhouse style apartment. i do like it, although i miss living in los angeles proper, and often i wish i could live on my own, mainly so i can make noise at any hour in any state of undress. 2. do you have a favorite family member (can be extended or immediate)? who are they? what makes them special to you? my cousin "munchkin" is my favorite family member. she is fourteen years old, a bundle of trouble, gorgeous as can be, funny, smart, goofy and darling. i met her the day she was born and fell madly in love, and we've shared a bond ever since that day. i've changed her diapers, read her to sleep, taught her to somersault, endured her childish questioning, comforted her at our grandpa's funeral, saw her through her parents' divorce, and talked to her about boys. she is one in a million, and i love her so dearly. 3. what's your craziest dating story? doesn't get crazier than "scary date". 4. if you could do just one thing to change the world, what would it be? isn't just my being alive enough? honestly, and, maybe shamefully, i don't have any sort of noble answer. sure, a cure for cancer or aids would be remarkable. an end to war, of course. no more hunger or disease. i can't pick just one! 5. have you ever done anything intentionally that you would classify as "bad"? if yes, what was it, and why did you do it? well, yes, of course i have done things that i shouldn't have, and i'm afraid i won't admit to them here--not because i keep secrets, but there's only so much i want to publish about myself online. but 'why' did i do it? i guess because anything i've done i've been able to justify doing at the time. usually, and thankfully, the only person it winds up hurting or harming is me. interview by lu 1. if you could have one superpower, what would it be? to travel back in time. 2. what is your favorite flavor of ice cream? i'm an ice cream glutton. couldn't narrow it down to one, but i'll tell you i do love dryer's dreamery's apple pie a la mode, just about anything chocolate, maple walnut, candy cane, and today i ate some kind of 'cake' flavored ice cream at baskin robbins. truthfully, i don't like just plain vanilla. it bores me. 3. what is the best prank you've ever pulled? i don't know if i have pulled many pranks, but just the other night i came home and there was a post-it note on my front door. "cake!!!!" it said, and i thought, 'one of my housemates made cake!' so i went inside, looked around, and, no cake! i asked l.q.t. "did you write the note?" "no" she said, "i thought you did!" "no" i said, "maybe it was angel bunny!" when angel bunny came home she asked us "where's the cake?" because you've guessed it, she didn't write the note, either! we don't know where it came from, but for a laugh we got out our own stack of post it notes, wrote "pie" on a dozen of them, and snuck around the floor of the building, posting them on everyone's doors, including our own. stupid, but so much fun! we never figured out who wrote "cake!!!!" and posted it on our door...or why! 4. if there was a book written about your life, what would it be called? i'd like to think that i'm still in the earliest part of my life, so what fun and exciting book worthy things i've yet to enjoy i don't know. my blog is sort of my book, so maybe "sassy little punkin" would factor in. or just my name, and "a remarkable life" or something classy like that. 5. what color are your walls? sadly, most of our house is painted 'apartment neutral off-white', which is boring, boring, boring, and hideous. one wall downstairs is blue now, but it's becoming a watercolor mural thanks to angel bunny's talent. we talk a lot about painting, but haven't done it yet. who knows, we may still do it. Monday September 2, 2003 more interviews! interview by styrofoam kitty 1. if you could do any job in the WORLD (assuming salary, money, time, education, location were no object), what job would it be? well, my ideal jobs would be writing and acting. i've always thought it would be great to have the job of traveling to hotels and restaurants and shops around the world and writing about them. i suppose it wouldn't be so hard to get that kind of job--it just seems like a romantic occupation. but, again, writing and acting. dream jobs. hope to make them reality jobs. 2. what five things would you buy FIRST when you won $189 million in the lottery? first i would pay off all my debt, so i'd be buying everything i thought i'd bought in the past ten years. then i'd buy: 1. tivo. i was just at my friends house and he has tivo and i thought i'd died and gone to tv watching heaven. 2. a house. maybe i'd buy that first so i'd have somewhere to put the tivo. a nice house in the hollywood hills. ok, and a townhouse in manhattan. 3. presents for everyone. 4. i'd go to places like target, barnes and noble, and the grocery store and just pull off the shelf whatever i wanted, because for the first time i'd be shopping there and not worrying about how much i can spend. it would be deadly, but fun as hell. (i would also have similar fun on amazon.com, and at amoeba records and such. hell yeah!) 5. furniture. real, non-ikea, stylish, sturdy, matches the room furniture. and then have it all delivered to my new houses. nice. 3. which 'celebrity' do you most wanna do it with, and why? this is where everyone will laugh, and point and say "but isn't he secretly gay?" but honestly, my biggest celebrity crush is on kevin spacey. i like his semi-closed off approach to the press. i like the fact that he has good old-fashioned tastes and interests. he's an amazing actor, and cute as a button. and since this is fantasy we'll say he's straight. which he probably isn't. 4. tell us about your ideal vacation. i would love to do a little jaunt to europe that included time in london (mostly shopping and sight-seeing), vienna, amsterdam (actually for the anne frank museum and the van gogh museum, but the partying factor is a nice bonus), the south of france (for fun in the sun) and venice. i would also like to take a trip that follows the path of laura ingalls wilder and her family, which would include such exciting destinations as desmet, south dakota! the ozarks in missouri! wisconsin! walnut grove, minnesota! yes, i'm a total dork. oh, and connecticut. hartford and old saybrook. never been there. 5. the whole world is stricken with a plague. everyon'e gonna die except you and three other people. who do you save? why? oh good golly, are you serious? well, ok. here's some messed up logic for you. i'd save my friend juniper, because he is always entertaining and gets me through rough times. i'd save ashley, because she and i can talk for hours on end and never get bored with each other. then i'd save my hunky professor, because then i'd actually stand a chance of getting with him, because juniper wouldn't be interested in him, and ashley wouldn't stand in my way of happiness. plus he's whip-smart genius, so there'd be loads of clever conversation, despite the sad plight we'd find ourselves in. interview by cati fabulous 1. what is it about m-k that makes her so much hotter than ash? ah, mary-kate. the younger one. the one with the rebelliously darker hair. the more rough and tumble one. she's a little edgier than ash. she's not as soft around the edges. and, when it comes to me and my friend ashley, well, if she's ashley, then i'm clearly mary-kate. but you can just call me kate. 2. what's the coolest bar in all of hollywood? cati, you know me personally and you're asking me this? the biggest homebody? i couldn't even begin to tell you about bars in hollywood. i think i have a reason to hate all of them. but, i will admit, despite the fact that a drink is $12, the standard bar is pretty cool. that's where i met angelina jolie and billy bob. i want to burn down the saddle ranch, i hate it so much. (i spent so many nights on the porch there with young soap stars, i'm just done with it). i do like the formosa for its kitsch and old-hollywood allure. but give me a dive bar anyday, where you don't have to be a model-actress with a half shirt and a belly button piercing on your flat abs to get in any day! 3. what's the biggest lie you've ever told your parents? you know what, i don't know of any. i'm pretty damn upfront, even about the embarrassing stuff. i don't tell lies, though. however, there's tons of things i've never told them... but you didn't ask that! 4. have you ever kissed anybody that you absolutely did not want to kiss? if so, why'd you do it? honestly, not that i can think of. i'm sure i've kissed only those whom i've been interested in kissing. now, they didn't all turn out to be great kissers, or lovers... but of all the boys i've kissed, i think i've been ok with wanting to kiss them all! 5. would you rather have the most revered and wide read blog in all of blogdom, or get your book published, but without much fanfare or high sales? here's my thinking. if i have the blog that's so revered and wide-read (and do you mean to say mine isn't like that already? ha ha), when i do publish the book my web fame will help move sales! no, seriously, i want my book published. but it's going to be big, so i won't worry. (subliminal message: when punkin's book is published everyone must buy a copy.) you can see the answers to the questions posed to me by eelnahs, this fish and sweet jezebel on my main page.