new york city, april 2004 [page 1 of 4]
our plane awaits our boarding! coming in for a landing our first night: bar 4, park slope, brooklyn l.q.t. enjoys some supersized olives and great conversation at bar 4. l.q.t.'s pal from her college days, now a new yorker, introduced us to his fantastic housemates. i was mesmerized by the subway tunnel wall after a few gin and tonics ...apparently the fascination continued. (f train station, 7th ave, brooklyn) my beautiful omlette, at good enough to eat, amsterdam and 83rd. at good enough to eat: peeps were stuck on the light fixtures in honor of easter even the section of new york books was overwhelming! barnes & noble, broadway and 83rd. l.q.t. bought a great book with walking tours. times square, deceptively calm in the daytime. some of the beautiful mural work gracing the ceilings at rockfeller center. it also serves as a gratuitous crotch shot. inside the empire state building. the line to go up to the obsevation deck was 2 hours long, so we took in the lobby art and left. lobby, empire state building annual macy's flower show. main floor of macy's on 34th street.
handbags, makeup, hats and stunning floral arrangements. macy's 34th street. live floral umbrella with rainfall, macy's 24th street. macy's 34th st. the flower show was such a beautiful experience! and it was free! ironwoork and history abound at the hotel chelsea. springtime blooms in the form of cupcakes at billy's bakery, chelsea.
generous slices of delicious cake and some hot coffee, afternoon snack time at billy's bakery, chelsea.
quite possibly my favorite photo. one of the many staff members of billy's bakery icing a cupcake. |