the maze of hallways and the ease of waking navigation
in those eerie, hazy hours of dawn's early light this morning, i had a very
difficult dream. not quite a nightmare, but the kind of dream that makes your heart pound, and when you open your eyes you have to perform a reality check to assure yourself it wasn't real.
in my dream i had to attend some sort of remedial class. not for a school-related deviance, but something societal, like for having too many parking tickets, or some minor offense of the like. the class, however, was taking place in some school building, though not my own school. i walked into the classroom during some break in the program. people were grouped up, chatting about this and that.
then i saw him. the evil one. he was regaling a small cluster of folks, listenting intently to him tell some story, probably about game shows. (this part signalled that it was really a dream; my dork of an ex is socially inept, and regales very few people with anything of interest). i took an open seat next to a blonde who looked a bit too much like a former coworker of mine. she was listening with intent to this boisterous girl who was talking to her. the gal was dressed in an extreme style, with wacky hair buns popping out the side of her head, and odd color matches in her clothing. sort of bjork-like, minus the swan and the accent. i was in such close proximity, i couldn't help but hear her. she was talking about this guy in the class, who was
so happy these days. he was in this fantastic relationship, and she'd never known him to be more headed in the right direction. this great woman he was dating lived in new york, and he was about to head out there to decide if he should move there, or if she should move to l.a., but they were also taking a trip to hawaii together.
and then i realized they meant
him. the evil one. my ex.
i scraped that chair back so hard and so loud. i felt the tears sting my eyes. i had to get out of there!
i went up to the instructor, and by this time i was trying to choke back sobs.
"this is going to sound ridiculous," i began, "but i can't be in the same room as someone here. he broke my heart, and i just can't stay for the afternoon session, may i please be excused?"
"that's not really a reasonable excuse. you can certainly deal with this as a mature person, and accept the fact that sometimes we do things we don't like to do. i'm sorry, but i can't excuse you," the instructor told me. i was trying to have her hug me, i was so lost and sad and desperate.
we all know she was right. there's an immature way, and a mature way.
but i also knew there was no way in hell i could be around him.
so happy, new york, hawaii, blah blah blah.
so i ran. i booked it on outta there. i climbed the steps and passed right by him, the same old familliar in a grey t-shirt and jeans.
i got just a little ways out, when i realized how foolish i was being. why should i run away? that wasn't like me!
and then i just wanted to hug him. i didn't want to talk, mind you; i had
nothing to say. i just needed his arms around me like nobody's business. like it would mean things were ok. not that we would be together, but that things were right in our worlds.
so i turned back.
and then i was lost. helplessly, hopelessly lost.
the hallways and stairways were like mazes. didn't i just simply climb some steps and pass through a doorway to leave, not more than a minute ago? shouldn't he be just right over there? but no. hallway led to hallway, led to flights of stairs veering off in every which direction. none of the signs that pointed the way to the room when i first got there were in sight.
the more lost i became, the more desperate i was to see him. no, to hug him. i was determined to get this hug. i had lost all sense of self, of time, of logic.
it was getting ridiculous, there was no end in sight to the maze. what was i doing? why did i want the arms of a lying, mean-spirited, emotionally retarded, hypocritical, cheating, selfish ex boyfriend around me?
my waking self took over. "open your eyes. this is a dream. open your eyes."
my eyes snapped open. a circus of birds were chirping outside my windows. the cat stretched and yawned lazily on the pillow next to me. the illuminated hands of the clock read some ungodly time, like 5:30 a.m.
it was only a dream.
i went back to sleep, and it was uneventful to my recollection. i did a mad dash out the door in order to make it to my first day of the spring quarter on time. the sky is so blue today, and there are dozens of big clouds dotting the sky. there is a sharp contrast against the greenery that lines the crowded freeways i take to get to campus. i popped in my new cat power cd. i had bought a cup of decent coffee at the gas station. i wasn't running late. my thoughts went to a certain boy in san francisco. a very deserving boy.
that is my reality today. it beats my dreams, no contest.
all in all... it's looking to be a lovely day after all.